Getting Involved With Troop 220
While Boy Scouting for our Scouts is youth-led, it still needs adult guidance and assistance to keep our program going. We are fortunate to have an excellent group of adults who have indicated a commitment and a willingness to help according to their abilities and available time. We invite you to add your talents and interests so that the best possible program can be developed for your son and his friends.
Our troop leaders and committee members would like to know of your interest level in helping out, and about your talents and experiences. Whether you are able to help support our Scouts on a full-time or part-time basis, whatever type, time, or frequency of assistance you could provide would be appreciated.

Please speak with us if you are willing to participate or assist in any of the following:
- Troop committee member
- Board of Review member - Instructions are provided, and you are welcome to sit in on boards of review as training.
- Merit Badge Counselor – Eagle Merit Badges are our greatest need
- Driving Scouts to events
- Fundraisers
- Campouts
- Bartle Summer Camp
- Service Projects
Please contact the Committee Chair or any Scoutmaster if you have questions and need more information.